How to look effortlessly stylish every day

Listen, we get it. Looking constantly stylish can be stressful. Who knows if you’ll end up candidly appearing in the background of someone’s TikTok that goes viral? You can’t be caught slipping.

But what if we told you there were quick ways to take a look from bummy to yummy instantly? Or that you can avoid the wrath of cutthroat Gen Z roasts in the comments of viral videos of you? If you want to save yourself from potential teenager-inflicted trauma, make sure you keep reading our top tips on how to look effortlessly stylish every day.

How to look effortlessly stylish every day

1. It’s cool to be basic

Trends will come and go, but the basics will never go out of fashion. Invest in pieces that can be used in several different outfits. For example, the good ol’ humble white t-shirt. What does a basic white t-shirt go with? Jeans? Flared trousers? Mini skirts? Dungarees? The correct answer is: all of the above and more.

Not to mention, when you invest in good staple pieces, you can step away from fast fashion because let’s be honest, a good white t-shirt will last years. So not only do you look effortlessly stylish, you’re saving the planet too. What more could you want?

Our recommendation: BOY FUTURE TEE - WHITE

2. Accessorise, and then accessorise some more

What’s something you notice about Instagram fashion influencers? Yes, they are suspiciously and ridiculously attractive and somehow always have constant plans that would make an introvert cry…But they often have great accessories that help bring their outfits to life, making them great examples of how to look effortlessly stylish every day.

So take this as your sign not to forget your earrings, your necklaces, your rings, your watches, and definitely do not forget your bags. If your outfit is all black, imagine how stylish you’ll look with a bright coloured bag, or a solid block colour outfit with a patterned bag. Accessories are like whipped cream on top of hot chocolate - not exactly necessary, but very much appreciated and worth the extra bit of effort.

Our recommendation: BBSG BAG - BLACK

3. Don’t overthink it

This might seem like a no-brainer, but sometimes we conflate looking stylish with putting a lot of thought into our looks. The reality is, you don’t need to spend 3 to 5 business days coordinating pieces of clothes together.

If you’re wondering how to look effortlessly stylish every day, it doesn’t matter if your jacket isn’t the same shade of burgundy or if your silver hoop earrings are a slightly different colour to your belt buckle. In fact, you might be doing yourself a disservice by trying to match everything!

Fashion shouldn’t be stressful, it should be a fun outlet to express your creativity. So if your blazer is grey and your t-shirt is cream, who cares! If you like it and feel confident, then you’re 99.9% on your way to being effortlessly stylish. But if you want that 0.01%, then you need to own pieces from BOY London. Sorry, we don’t make the rules.

So with that being said, head over to discover our clothing collections to begin your journey to being effortlessly stylish. Don’t forget us when you become fashion influencers with 101 brunch plans.